Friday, January 14, 2011

Perils of Cupcakes

On Tuesday night, my foodie partner-in-crime Ruthie and I had a real treat.  We met for dinner at the Soupbox on Chicago Ave.  I've eaten at the Lakeview location many times, and of course this was just as good, with a few more tables.
Then we made our chilly way over to Sprinkles, where they were having a small party, I guess you could call it, to introduce a new cupcake flavor: German Chocolate (officially available today).  Now I'm not a German Chocolate fan in general, but I have to say this was a very. good. cupcake.
            What made it even better, and what Ruthie and I hadn't known before showing up, was that everyone on "the list" would get to take home a box of 4 cupcakes (one German Chocolate, and 3 others, of our choice).  Clockwise from the top left, my cupcake choices were: Milk Chocolate/choc. frosting (simple I know), Lemon Coconut (really good!), Vanilla/choc. frosting (even simpler, I know), and finally German Chocolate.  Here's what I realized, 3 days later, having finished all the cupcakes:
The best thing about being single is: if you get a box of free cupcakes, you don't have to share them with anyone.
The worst thing about being single is: if you get a box of free cupcakes, you'll eat them all yourself.
Oh, sweet gluttony.

1 comment:

  1. Yum! The German Chocolate was insanely rich. Paul had a piece of coconut on his black&white cupcake, and he nearly gagged. So violently against coconut. I don't get it.
