Thursday, December 20, 2007

This is the first year I've had a full-sized Christmas tree of my own.  Thankfully, my mother and step-mother were nice enough to send me some old family ornaments so that not only would my tree have a decent number of ornaments, but there would be some with sentimental value as well.  I was delighted/horrified to get one ornament that I made in kindergarten, and I know it was that year because, as you can see, the year is posted on the side of my class picture.  Cardboard, tin foil and pipe-cleaners; what an excellent way to use up an hour of school with 5 year olds! 
Two years ago, one of my first students gave me an ornament which he made for me.  This one, unlike my own kindergarten ornament, is hanging on my tree.  I haven't decided, though I have a pretty good feeling that I know, why I would be willing to hang the ornament my student made of me and not mine.  When someone else makes something for you, it is more special.  But beyond that, I know that the ornament I made when I was 5 years old was not something I came up with one my own.  My music note ornament is truly from the heart, and for that reason, I am happy to hang it on my tree next to my grandmother's heirloom ornaments and brand new ones I've picked up myself from the shops in my neighborhood.

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